- what to expect -


CIT's or Counselors-In-Training are a vital part of the camp program. They are there to assist the Counselor supervise campers during the day and night and take part in all camper related activities as well as being trained to operate various program functions such as the climbing wall, swimming, running the zip line, facilitating paintball, and other tasks. CIT and Counselors also help to create and lead Camper Clubs, be ready to lead cabin Bible studies, and a ton of other awesome camp activities!

Applying to be a CIT is open to anyone who has completed 10th grade by the start of Summer!

- staff quotes -

Volunteering as a CIT

My experience at camp this summer was like hanging out with all of your best friends every day for 3 months straight without getting tired of them

HoosierCrew ('19), CIT ('20-'21)
Hoosier – 2021 camp experience

My favorite thing about last summer was getting paired with Cheeto and Chuud during Jr. High weeks and watching our camper turn to Jesus.

Ca$hCrew ('20), CIT ('21-'22)
Ca$h – CIT ’22

My life has been transformed by camp in many ways, specifically during my crew year for someone who was totally a introverted homeschooler to making friends all summer long, and just diving into the Word.

EscapéCrew ('18), Kitchen Crew ('19), Counselor ('20), Camp Cook ('21)
Escapé – crew ’18

I really gained the hunger for the gospel at camp. Plus, the way God brings people together at camp is amazing! Normally my life would have kept going without meeting any of the staff. But God brought every single one of us to camp to serve Him together.

ToesterCIT ('19), Counselor ('20)
Toester – CIT, Counselor 2019

God taught me that community is so important as a follower of Jesus. No matter where you come from, there are good and bad influences. Surrounding yourselves with other believers grows your faith even more.

DinocoCIT ('22)
Dinoco – CIT ’22

Trout Creek was my second home this summer, I became a part of a Christ-loving family. I look back on last summer, and I smile from all the great memories I created and being surrounded by those who love Jesus so much!!

RitzCIT ('20)
Ritz – CIT ’20

I learned to not view being a CIT as a job you have to do, but instead as a chance you have to serve and spread God’s love.

BlooperCIT ('22)
Blooper – CIT ’22

If you've completed 10th grade by summer, apply to work serve as a CIT!

Apply to Serve on Staff