camper wellness
health & dietary needs
- first aid & medicine -
Health Needs
A Registered Nurse or Health Assistant is on-site to address each camper’s health and safety concerns and to dispense all medications.
Please note: Only prescription and essential non-prescription medications can be accepted and must be in original containers. The original prescription must accompany all medicines (including inhalers).
The following over-the-counter medications are available through the health assistant at camp, and there is no need to bring the following medicines to camp:
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol), Antibiotic ointment/cream, Benzocaine 20% (Orasol/Oragel), Burn Gel/Spray, BZK wipes, Calamine lotion (zinc oxide and iron oxide), Cepacol Throat Lozenges/Spray, Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), Cough Drops, Cough Syrup (dextromethorphan/guaifenesin) (Robitussin DM), Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) oral, Eye Drops, Hydrocortisone cream, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ibuprofen (Advil/Motrin), Pectin lozenge, Phenylephrine (Sudafed PE), Swim Ear, Tecnu Soap, Tums.
On opening day, parents must check in all medications with the camp medical personnel at the check-in table. All medications require:
- Original container (no baggies, plastic containers, pillboxes, etc.).
- Specific written instructions, including name, amount, time, and reason for dispensing.
- Parent’s signature authorizing administration by camp personnel.
- Correct label, including right name, time, and dosage for prescription medications.
PLEASE NOTE: Campers’ individual family insurance policy applies first for any medical needs. If necessary, Trout Creek carries an accident policy that provides secondary coverage.

– camp kitchen –
Dietary Needs
We offer a wide variety of food for every age group, and our guests and campers have raved about how good it tastes! Our camp kitchen and cooks can work with campers who have dietary needs*if the camper will need to be restricted from any foods while at camp, please contact the Food Service Director before the camper session to confirm dietary needs and receive a list of available food substitutions.
*A $25 surcharge will be assessed to meet special dietary requirements, not including peanut and/or nut allergies.